I did take time out 2 weeks ago to go to Badminton horse trials with Wendy and Eleanor next door and my best friend Sandy. We had a great time in the sunshine and a very long walk. I got a new toy from one of the stands. We've named him Mr Giblets. I've included some pictures of our day out.

Me looking all noble

My friend Sandy

Me and Mr Giblets
Dog training classes have started again and I'm in the advanced class now - takes me about half an hour each week to get over the excitement of the car journey and other dogs before I start paying attention - I just want to play not learn. Have also had a one to one session and Wendy and Richard now have lots of things to practice.
My recall is getting better. Yesterday morning I was off the lead and a deer was about 20 feet from me. Wendy shouted 'stop!' (a new command) and I stopped just long enough for her to put the lead on so I couldn't chase the deer.
Garden is getting near completion - I've been banned from one area as it has grass seed on and the other area will be out of bounds too by the end of the weekend. I have to keep jumping over next door for a number 2 - luckily they're nice people.
I enjoyed the hot weather and BBQ last weekend and have no intention of getting in that swimming pool thing - I'm not a water dog.