Boy was it cold last night - even though the caravan has heating and double glazing I was a bit chilly so when Richard was asleep I snuck up onto his bed for a bit of a snuggle. I know I'm not really allowed on the bed but I was clean and I had a good excuse and I helped Richard keep warm too.
I woke up at my usual time of 7.15 wanting my breakfast so Wendy begrudgingly climbed out of her warm bed to feed me. I was desperate to go to the loo after all the excitement so Wendy took me for a walk around the camp and up to the sea front. We'd just got back and Little Nanny came out of her bedroom all dressed up to take me for a walk!!!
So Wendy had a cup of tea and then the 3 of us went out again. The sun was up but it was still really cold. We went down to the beach and the sea had disappeared but there was lots more sand. I had great fun for about an hour chasing the aerobie ring - there was hardly anyone about.
Then we went around to the farm shop to collect a paper and back to the caravan for breakfast. After breakfast we climbed into Baggy's car (I sat on the back seat with Wendy and Little Nanny) and we went to somewhere called Horner. I was very good in the car and wasn't sick.
From Horner we walked up through the woods for ages - the smells were fantastic and I had an excellent time running all over the place. Richard and Baggy kept teasing me by throwing rocks into the undergrowth so I'd think it was an animal. A couple of times I ran off on the trail of a fresh scent but always came back. After about an hour we climbed out of the trees to a place called Ley Hill which was open moorland. It was time for the ring then and I had lots of fun hiding behind the gorse and bounding over the heather.

Then we walked on, down a lane and then alongside a small river/stream for ages. Richard threw the ring into the water to see if I'd fetch it. I really wasn't too sure but knew I had to save my favourite toy so went an put my nose in - boy was it cold. Richard nearly fell in the river too - that was funny!
I got onto the hot scent of some red deer and ran off for a while but the rest of my 'pack' waited for me. Finally we made it back to the car and I jumped in without a grumble and slept most of the way back to the caravan.
We had a rest for about an hour then it was time for us to head home in the car. I sat in the back and fell asleept with my head on Wendy's lap all the way home and wasn't sick at all.
I had a lovely weekend and really like 'holidays' although it was nice to be home last night - I even missed Biggles. Apparently I'm going on another longer holiday in about a month - I can't wait.
Tonight I'm off to a new dog school to try and become a Kennel Club Good Citizen - more news on that soon.