We went down on Saturday morning and again I nearly made it all the way there without being sick.
A caravan is like a small house. It was very nice but I wasn't allowed on the sofa and there wasn't room for me to run around inside and throw my ball like there is at home.
The best thing about a caravan is that there are lots of people in it to make a fuss of you and it's really easy to see when anyone goes to the kitchen so you increase your chance of being able to pilfer some food.
Another good thing about caravans is that they tend to be near places called 'beaches'. Beaches are lovely big parks with no grass and something called sand and pebbles Sand is lovely to run on and very soft on your feet. The only problem with sand is that it doesn't taste very nice and sticks to your tennis ball and aerobie ring. At the edge of the beach is something called the 'sea' - the sea is like a big river but it tries to jump and grab you when you run near the edge. The sea is also rubbish when you're thirsty - it looks like water but it's all salty.

On Saturday afternoon Wendy, Richard, Little Nanny and I walked along the beach to Minehead (about 4 miles). Baggy was lazy and stayed in the caravan to sleep and watch football. It was a great walk - we met lots of other dogs and I ran and ran.
When we got to Minehead we went to somewhere called a 'station' and bought some tickets including a special 'dog ticket' for something called the West Somerset Railway.

I was then let into a strange room which was a bit like a caravan but there was no kitchen just seats. About 5 minutes later there was a jolt and a rumble and the room started to move!!! In no time at all we were at another station and imagine my suprise when I left the room to find we were back at Blue Anchor - it was magic. Apparently the moving room is called a train.
By the time we got home it was time for tea and then I just slept for the rest of the night.
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