Not sure what's going on but a big green tree has arrived in the lounge. I'm not allowed to pee against it but am drinking the water out of the container at the bottom (well saves me going out to the kitchen).
The tree's been decorated with lots of shiny things including balls that I'm not allowed to play with. It's all very strange but it looks quite pretty I suppose.
Little Nanny has been taking me out for some walks lately and I'm having a lovely time. Yesterday she took me out for 3 hours - what a lovely lady!!
Wendy says I'm starting to smell a bit and it's time for my Christmas bath - not sure I like the sound of that very much. Wendy finishes work today and will be off until the 2nd January so I'm looking forward to having all my family around for so long.
I've hung my stocking up - something called Santa Claws might come and leave me some presents apparently.
There's talk of lots of food including a big roast turkey - hope I get a look in on that!!
Friday, 21 December 2007
The Great Escape
Well it's been a long time since I've written but I've settled into quite a routine now and there's not so much to report any more.
However I was a naughty boy on Sunday. Wendy & Richard were going to the carol concert at the church and had some visitors coming. Unbeknown to them, while they were meeting their guests I made my escape through the open door.
In my defence it was time for my daily walk (even though they'd taken me for a long one an hour before).
They realised I was missing and started to look for me - there was only 15 minutes to go to the start of the concert.
Then the phone rang and a very nice lady said that although I was very nice and she was happy to take me for a walk, she was worried that I was getting further and further from home and she wasn't coming back that way!!
Yes - I'd used my initiative and tagged myself on to a nice lady who seemed to be going for a walk. She kept telling me to go home but I couldn't see a reason to. Unfortunately Wendy had put our phone number on my collar.
Wendy and guests went on to the church and Richard had to run to catch up with me - by that time I was a good 5-10 minutes from home. He wasn't best pleased. Wendy says when he arrived in the church there was steam rising off his back where he'd got so hot.
Got to meet Kay (Wendy & Richard's sister-in-law) who lives in France who thought I was lovely and has invited me to go and visit and play with her dog Granger. She lives down in a national park in the pyrenees and there's lots of walks so maybe one day Wendy & Richard will take me.
On Wednesday morning this week whilst out for a walk with Wendy I spied a rabbit and chased it across a field. Having caught up with it I wasn't very sure what to do. I chased it round in circles for a bit and then it stopped and just squeaked. I ran around it for a bit then got bored and ran back to Wendy. It's no fun when they don't run!!
However I was a naughty boy on Sunday. Wendy & Richard were going to the carol concert at the church and had some visitors coming. Unbeknown to them, while they were meeting their guests I made my escape through the open door.
In my defence it was time for my daily walk (even though they'd taken me for a long one an hour before).
They realised I was missing and started to look for me - there was only 15 minutes to go to the start of the concert.
Then the phone rang and a very nice lady said that although I was very nice and she was happy to take me for a walk, she was worried that I was getting further and further from home and she wasn't coming back that way!!
Yes - I'd used my initiative and tagged myself on to a nice lady who seemed to be going for a walk. She kept telling me to go home but I couldn't see a reason to. Unfortunately Wendy had put our phone number on my collar.
Wendy and guests went on to the church and Richard had to run to catch up with me - by that time I was a good 5-10 minutes from home. He wasn't best pleased. Wendy says when he arrived in the church there was steam rising off his back where he'd got so hot.
Got to meet Kay (Wendy & Richard's sister-in-law) who lives in France who thought I was lovely and has invited me to go and visit and play with her dog Granger. She lives down in a national park in the pyrenees and there's lots of walks so maybe one day Wendy & Richard will take me.
On Wednesday morning this week whilst out for a walk with Wendy I spied a rabbit and chased it across a field. Having caught up with it I wasn't very sure what to do. I chased it round in circles for a bit and then it stopped and just squeaked. I ran around it for a bit then got bored and ran back to Wendy. It's no fun when they don't run!!
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Wet, Wet, Wet
Well what horrible weather it's been. Have been getting very wet on my walks lately and it was so dark, cold and wet this morning that when Wendy opened the door to take me out I didn't want to go!!
Have had a bit of an upset tummy over the last few days again but it's getting better now. Wendy & Richard think I maybe ate something I shouldn't of while I was out.
Yesterday Wendy, Richard and I went and met a man called Ian who is a dog trainer. He spent an hour assessing me and trying all kinds of new commands. I already can do 'sit' and 'wait' and sometimes 'come' (if there's nothing to exciting to distract me). I've now started to learn 'down', 'leave' and 'stay' too.
He thought I was lovely and thinks I'll learn really quickly. I can start classes on the first Saturday in January as long as I have had my kennel cough vaccination at least 7 days before. I'm going to start in the puppy class but he thinks I'll move up through the classes very quickly as I'm apparently very intelligent.
Wendy bought me a new tug toy today as she's run out of old t-towels for me to rip apart.
I am growing taller every day and love it here.
Have had a bit of an upset tummy over the last few days again but it's getting better now. Wendy & Richard think I maybe ate something I shouldn't of while I was out.
Yesterday Wendy, Richard and I went and met a man called Ian who is a dog trainer. He spent an hour assessing me and trying all kinds of new commands. I already can do 'sit' and 'wait' and sometimes 'come' (if there's nothing to exciting to distract me). I've now started to learn 'down', 'leave' and 'stay' too.
He thought I was lovely and thinks I'll learn really quickly. I can start classes on the first Saturday in January as long as I have had my kennel cough vaccination at least 7 days before. I'm going to start in the puppy class but he thinks I'll move up through the classes very quickly as I'm apparently very intelligent.
Wendy bought me a new tug toy today as she's run out of old t-towels for me to rip apart.
I am growing taller every day and love it here.
Monday, 26 November 2007
Another Week
Can't believe it's been a week since I last wrote.
Pretty uneventful week really. My tummy seems Ok now but I'm still having problems with the mites in my right ear. Wendy & Richard have some drops for it but I hate having them put in.
On Friday morning whilst walking with Wendy I ran off after 2 deer. She looked for me for half an hour and kept calling me but I'd gone home on my own and was waiting by the door for my breakfast. Wendy wasn't very happy with me.
I now have a bag of tennis balls and have been having great fun chasing those all weekend. Wendy & Richard put some 'jumps' in the lounge and I have been soaring over them after the ball. They think I could be a flyball champion (whatever flyball is).
Had a long walk on Saturday - down through Swineford, then into Bitton for a paper then up to the farm shop. The nice butcher there gave me a big bag of beef rib bones. I was only allowed to have one but it was lovely and kept me quiet for hours. Yum Yum.
Yesterday I again jumped over the wall into next doors garden (Richard needs to finish the trellis). I had such fun as they currently have a total of 5 dogs there!!! Had a good run round with a Golden Retriever until Richard spoilt my fun.
Was a bit restless last night and woke Richard up at 3.30am wanting to play so he shut me in the dining room where I soon settled down.
Not having much joy with the obedience school man who's not returning messages left on his phone so Richard's going to find someone else today.
Pretty uneventful week really. My tummy seems Ok now but I'm still having problems with the mites in my right ear. Wendy & Richard have some drops for it but I hate having them put in.
On Friday morning whilst walking with Wendy I ran off after 2 deer. She looked for me for half an hour and kept calling me but I'd gone home on my own and was waiting by the door for my breakfast. Wendy wasn't very happy with me.
I now have a bag of tennis balls and have been having great fun chasing those all weekend. Wendy & Richard put some 'jumps' in the lounge and I have been soaring over them after the ball. They think I could be a flyball champion (whatever flyball is).
Had a long walk on Saturday - down through Swineford, then into Bitton for a paper then up to the farm shop. The nice butcher there gave me a big bag of beef rib bones. I was only allowed to have one but it was lovely and kept me quiet for hours. Yum Yum.
Yesterday I again jumped over the wall into next doors garden (Richard needs to finish the trellis). I had such fun as they currently have a total of 5 dogs there!!! Had a good run round with a Golden Retriever until Richard spoilt my fun.
Was a bit restless last night and woke Richard up at 3.30am wanting to play so he shut me in the dining room where I soon settled down.
Not having much joy with the obedience school man who's not returning messages left on his phone so Richard's going to find someone else today.
Monday, 19 November 2007
Wet Weekends
Yuk - what a nasty wet cold weekend it was.
I didn't really fancy going out too much. I wanted a lie in on Saturday morning but Biggles woke us all up wanting food so Wendy got up and gave us both breakfast.
Wendy & Richard had a wedding to go to on Saturday night so left me on my own but they left me with a nice bone which kept me very happy.
Sunday was a horrible day - really wet and cold.
In the afternoon Wendy, Richard and I went for a walk down the lane towards Swineford in the rain. It's a bit sheltered there so once I got used to the wet I had quite a lot of fun running up and down the banks and sniffing for rabbits. I have a new game where I hide from Wendy & Richard but try and sneakily get ahead of them so that I can come running at them full tilt.
That tired me out so I just slept for most of the afternoon with my new best friend Biggles. Wendy and Richard are very impressed that it's only taken 3 weeks. They're now waiting for the picture of Biggles curled up against me but I don't think that's very likely.
Had a few games of football in the kitchen with Richard although I still tend to pick up the ball and run with it which is apparently not allowed.
It was much darker this morning so didn't go out as early as normal and so had a shorter walk with Wendy. Chased a pheasant and a deer though so that was fun. Spent some time with Richard in the garden this morning (he was working) but I got bored and upset him by jumping the 5 foot wall and going to visit Eleanor next door. She was very nice to me but Richard didn't find it funny so says he's going to put some trellis on top the wall to stop me. Had a nice walk this afternoon though and a treat of some roast lamb leftovers put into my kong.
Tired now so will have a sleep after writing this. Adoption papers in the post tomorrow - hurray!!!
I didn't really fancy going out too much. I wanted a lie in on Saturday morning but Biggles woke us all up wanting food so Wendy got up and gave us both breakfast.
Wendy & Richard had a wedding to go to on Saturday night so left me on my own but they left me with a nice bone which kept me very happy.
Sunday was a horrible day - really wet and cold.
In the afternoon Wendy, Richard and I went for a walk down the lane towards Swineford in the rain. It's a bit sheltered there so once I got used to the wet I had quite a lot of fun running up and down the banks and sniffing for rabbits. I have a new game where I hide from Wendy & Richard but try and sneakily get ahead of them so that I can come running at them full tilt.

Had a few games of football in the kitchen with Richard although I still tend to pick up the ball and run with it which is apparently not allowed.
It was much darker this morning so didn't go out as early as normal and so had a shorter walk with Wendy. Chased a pheasant and a deer though so that was fun. Spent some time with Richard in the garden this morning (he was working) but I got bored and upset him by jumping the 5 foot wall and going to visit Eleanor next door. She was very nice to me but Richard didn't find it funny so says he's going to put some trellis on top the wall to stop me. Had a nice walk this afternoon though and a treat of some roast lamb leftovers put into my kong.
Tired now so will have a sleep after writing this. Adoption papers in the post tomorrow - hurray!!!
Friday, 16 November 2007
Settling Down
I haven't written for a bit as there's not really been much news. Weather continues to be cold but clear and I've had some brilliant walks with Richard and Wendy. Have had loads of fun running about in the woods.
News from the Vet school is good - they've found nothing untowards in my stool sample other than some worm eggs and the Vet had already given me worming tablets. The Vet has given me another weeks worth of Aunty Bi-otics just to be sure. My poo has remained pick-upable which is good. I'm sleeping like a baby at night and Wendy wakes me up at 7am for our walk every day (sometimes I wouldn't mind a lie-in).
I'm still breaking world records for speed eating. It's all literally gone in the time it takes for Wendy to rinse out the tin and put it on the drainer. Have been getting on OK with Biggles although got into trouble this morning for chasing him in the garden. I thought it was only the house I wasn't allowed to play with him in - so many rules!!
The adoption papers have come through for me so I have to be good until they're signed and sent back (just in case Wendy & Richard change their minds).
That's all for now - looking forward to the weekend.
News from the Vet school is good - they've found nothing untowards in my stool sample other than some worm eggs and the Vet had already given me worming tablets. The Vet has given me another weeks worth of Aunty Bi-otics just to be sure. My poo has remained pick-upable which is good. I'm sleeping like a baby at night and Wendy wakes me up at 7am for our walk every day (sometimes I wouldn't mind a lie-in).
I'm still breaking world records for speed eating. It's all literally gone in the time it takes for Wendy to rinse out the tin and put it on the drainer. Have been getting on OK with Biggles although got into trouble this morning for chasing him in the garden. I thought it was only the house I wasn't allowed to play with him in - so many rules!!
The adoption papers have come through for me so I have to be good until they're signed and sent back (just in case Wendy & Richard change their minds).
That's all for now - looking forward to the weekend.
Monday, 12 November 2007
More relatives
Saturday night Richard and Wendy went out and left me for 4 hours. I was a bit lonely at first but I'd had a good walk in the woods and my tea so I just slept.
Sunday morning Wendy took me for a walk and we played hide and seek. When we got back Wendy said she had to clean so got George out of the cupboard again. I had lots of fun barking at that until Wendy told me not to be so silly.
I have invented a new game. Whilst cleaning Wendy tidied up all my toys and put them in the dining room so she could vacuum the lounge. Each time her back was turned I'd take another toy back out of the dining room and put it in the lounge again. I could have played that all day.
Richard took me out for some frisby in the afternoon whilst Wendy washed the kitchen floor and cooked the tea. Nanny & Grandpa Isaacs were coming to Sunday tea and there was roast chicken and little sausages with bacon around them. The oven was at my eye level so I sat there watching it cook doing my 'ah bisto' dog impression.
Nanny & Grandpa Isaacs were very nice and made a big fuss of me. We had lots of fun with my ball.
When they sat down to tea I was allowed a bit of chicken inside my kong to keep me busy. Richard took me out for a quick toilet when Nanny & Grandpa left.
I was very tired again so went to bed with Wendy just after 10pm and slept right the way through to this morning. Wendy got me up just before 7am and we went for a nice long walk and saw the sunrise and some deer.
Sunday morning Wendy took me for a walk and we played hide and seek. When we got back Wendy said she had to clean so got George out of the cupboard again. I had lots of fun barking at that until Wendy told me not to be so silly.
I have invented a new game. Whilst cleaning Wendy tidied up all my toys and put them in the dining room so she could vacuum the lounge. Each time her back was turned I'd take another toy back out of the dining room and put it in the lounge again. I could have played that all day.
Richard took me out for some frisby in the afternoon whilst Wendy washed the kitchen floor and cooked the tea. Nanny & Grandpa Isaacs were coming to Sunday tea and there was roast chicken and little sausages with bacon around them. The oven was at my eye level so I sat there watching it cook doing my 'ah bisto' dog impression.
Nanny & Grandpa Isaacs were very nice and made a big fuss of me. We had lots of fun with my ball.
When they sat down to tea I was allowed a bit of chicken inside my kong to keep me busy. Richard took me out for a quick toilet when Nanny & Grandpa left.
I was very tired again so went to bed with Wendy just after 10pm and slept right the way through to this morning. Wendy got me up just before 7am and we went for a nice long walk and saw the sunrise and some deer.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
I love weekends

I love the weekends. I didn't get up at all in the night, started off sleeping on the floor in the bedroom and Biggles was on the bed but I got a bit hot so took myself off to the lounge in the night.
I had a lie-in this morning and it was actually Biggles that woke up Wendy & Richard.
Had some brekkie (more tablets) and went for a short walk with Wendy and I had another solid poo. She said she never thought she'd be pleased to be picking up my poo.
I met some lovely black labradors who were no more than puppies and we all had a good sniff of each other.
Went home and had a bit of a sleep and then a play with my new squeaky ball. Am learning to play football but still have a tendency to pick the ball up in my mouth and run with it.
Wendy and Richard have bought me something called a dog bag to travel in the car in. It is supposed to keep me safe and secure and means I can't jump out of the boot when it opens. It also keeps their car clean. I'm not very sure about getting in it so Wendy & Richard have had it in the lounge today. Wendy's been getting inside it and then playing with my ball and toys. I've gone in too but not my back legs. I'm a bit nervous about confined spaces and being locked in. A bit later Wendy put the dog bag in the boot of the car and then put me in it. She sat on the back seat of the car and we stayed there about 10 minutes just to get me used to it. I'm still not sure but maybe with some more practice it will be OK.
Had a fantastic walk this afternoon - was out for nearly 2 hours and went down into Pipley Woods. What fun that was - lots of trees and crunchy leaves and all kinds of interesting smells - foxes, rabbits and deer. We met a lady with a nice dog and the 2 of us had lots of fun running and jumping over each other. Wendy & Richard called me but I didn't want to go back to them I was having so much fun - but then they threw the frisby for me and I couldn't resist that.
Have had my tea and am now absolutely knackered. Wendy & Richard are going out tonight so I'll be on my own for a few hours - think I'll probably just sleep.
Friday, 9 November 2007
A great day

Had a nice walk this afternoon and met lots of people. Mike from next door has just come back from holiday with his 2 dogs and I met them and they were very nice. I then met 2 jack russells who I didn't like very much as one of them tried to mount me!! At one point I ran away from Richard because he was too slow and ran up the lane to where my friend the horse was having some new shoes put on by a man called the Farrier. By the time Richard caught up I was just sitting there watching and I wasn't causing any trouble.
Richard went to meet some friends at the pub at 4.30pm so put me in the dining room. That's the first time I've really been left on my own. Wendy came home at 6pm and I was absolutely fine. As long as I know they're coming back for me that's OK.
Wendy came home and gave me my tea then Richard took me round the block whilst she cooked their tea. Guess what - I did a solid poo, I did a solid poo - I am sooooo clever.
As a special reward for my solid poo Wendy put some chicken inside my kong and I am now having lots of fun trying to take it out and won't be distracted from that for anything. Wendy & Richard say I've been like a different dog today because my tummy's getting better.
Because I've not been well I won't be going to school tomorrow but will start next Saturday instead. If my tummy stays good we can start some training at home next week as I'll be able to have rewards - yippeee
A good night
Richard had band practice last night so I was alone with Wendy. We had a nice evening in and she gave me my tea with the Aunty Bi-Otics and diarrhea tablets in. I was so hungry I didn't even taste them. She put some drops into my bad ear but I didn't like those at all and made a lot of fuss.
Anyway, Biggles and I were good together yesterday. So much so that when Wendy went to bed she took me too. Biggles went on the bed (unfair) and I was allowed to sleep on my pet bed on the floor.
When Richard came in he took me out for a short walk but I only needed to wee. Richard and I then slept in the lounge but I didn't get him up in the night to go out at all so maybe the tablets are working.
This morning Richard took me out at 6.45am and I had a huge poo. It was still a bit runny but it did have a big lump in it and Richard was able to pick it up in a bag.
Wendy then took me for a longer walk and we invented a new game I have called 'Chase Me'. Wendy runs at me and says she's going to get me. I pretend to be really scared and run away. Then I come running back like the clappers and it all starts again.
When we got back Wendy played with me with the new ball she bought me. I'm not sure about it. I really like it but sometimes when I chew it the ball squeaks and it makes me jump!!
Wendy tried to put some more eardrops in and some made it but I still don't like it.
Once I calmed down after my walk and play Wendy gave me my breakfast with more tablets in. I'm exhausted now so have crashed out in the bedroom with Biggles and Richard because Wendy had to go to work.

When Richard came in he took me out for a short walk but I only needed to wee. Richard and I then slept in the lounge but I didn't get him up in the night to go out at all so maybe the tablets are working.
This morning Richard took me out at 6.45am and I had a huge poo. It was still a bit runny but it did have a big lump in it and Richard was able to pick it up in a bag.
Wendy then took me for a longer walk and we invented a new game I have called 'Chase Me'. Wendy runs at me and says she's going to get me. I pretend to be really scared and run away. Then I come running back like the clappers and it all starts again.
When we got back Wendy played with me with the new ball she bought me. I'm not sure about it. I really like it but sometimes when I chew it the ball squeaks and it makes me jump!!
Wendy tried to put some more eardrops in and some made it but I still don't like it.
Once I calmed down after my walk and play Wendy gave me my breakfast with more tablets in. I'm exhausted now so have crashed out in the bedroom with Biggles and Richard because Wendy had to go to work.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Another Vet Trip
Had a nice evening last night - Wendy, Richard, Biggles and I all very relaxed in front the TV. I didn't even have to be on the lead and I didn't chase the cat.
Problems at bedtime again - my tummy was bad so I kept wanting to go out - kept poor Richard up again - he must be really fed up with me.
Let Richard have a lie-in this morning and Wendy took me for a long walk before work. Because there wasn't anyone around she let me me off the lead all the way from Shiner's Wood, up to Prospect Stile, across the racecourse, around the ploughed field and halfway across the fort. I had great fun chasing around - I'd let Wendy walk on ahead and then come galloping past her, then start all over again. We did meet 4 large pointer type dogs but they were very friendly and we all had a good sniff.
I was a bit knackered when I got back so had some breakfast and went back to sleep next to the cat.
Had a vet appointment at 12 so Richard took me in the van. To my suprise when we got there Wendy was there too as it's just around the corner from where she works. Richard had some of my poo in a jar (yuk) and the vet said she'll send it off to the Vet School for analysis - I might have sam-and-ella or some other virus or infection so they need to check under the microscope and then grow some stuff in my poo.
Wendy mentioned my right ear was bothering me so the lady vet took a look inside with a torch. I didn't like it in my right ear which is a bit sore. She said it's a bit inflamed and I have ear mites. My left ear is fine though.
I now have some tablets for my diarrhea, some Aunty Bi-Otics which are generic ones as they don't actually know what's wrong yet but these may help. I also have some all purpose ear drops which I'll have to use for 2 weeks and will then need 3 more ear treatments spaced over 6 weeks to deal with the ear mite eggs and make sure they don't come back.
Because I was so good in the vets, Wendy bought me a big squeaky ball to play with - she says she thinks she'll regret it because I'm sure to make it squeak lots.
That was another £48 at the vets - I'm doing well - I've been with Wendy & Richard a week and already cost them over £100 in vets fees plus all the other things they've bought me. Let's hope I can prove I'm worth it.
Anyway must go - off in the van with Richard to meet Grandpa David and apparently Uncle Paul is coming up this afternoon too.
Problems at bedtime again - my tummy was bad so I kept wanting to go out - kept poor Richard up again - he must be really fed up with me.
Let Richard have a lie-in this morning and Wendy took me for a long walk before work. Because there wasn't anyone around she let me me off the lead all the way from Shiner's Wood, up to Prospect Stile, across the racecourse, around the ploughed field and halfway across the fort. I had great fun chasing around - I'd let Wendy walk on ahead and then come galloping past her, then start all over again. We did meet 4 large pointer type dogs but they were very friendly and we all had a good sniff.
I was a bit knackered when I got back so had some breakfast and went back to sleep next to the cat.
Had a vet appointment at 12 so Richard took me in the van. To my suprise when we got there Wendy was there too as it's just around the corner from where she works. Richard had some of my poo in a jar (yuk) and the vet said she'll send it off to the Vet School for analysis - I might have sam-and-ella or some other virus or infection so they need to check under the microscope and then grow some stuff in my poo.
Wendy mentioned my right ear was bothering me so the lady vet took a look inside with a torch. I didn't like it in my right ear which is a bit sore. She said it's a bit inflamed and I have ear mites. My left ear is fine though.
I now have some tablets for my diarrhea, some Aunty Bi-Otics which are generic ones as they don't actually know what's wrong yet but these may help. I also have some all purpose ear drops which I'll have to use for 2 weeks and will then need 3 more ear treatments spaced over 6 weeks to deal with the ear mite eggs and make sure they don't come back.
Because I was so good in the vets, Wendy bought me a big squeaky ball to play with - she says she thinks she'll regret it because I'm sure to make it squeak lots.
That was another £48 at the vets - I'm doing well - I've been with Wendy & Richard a week and already cost them over £100 in vets fees plus all the other things they've bought me. Let's hope I can prove I'm worth it.
Anyway must go - off in the van with Richard to meet Grandpa David and apparently Uncle Paul is coming up this afternoon too.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Causing Trouble
I've been a bit of a naughty boy today. I don't know why but I've just not been able to settle and have been really mischievous. Poor Richard is really exhausted from trying to keep me entertained and having to get up in the night to let me out.
I growled and barked at Wendy when she was having her lunch so she told me off and put me in the dining room until she finished. I know I should let her eat her food but I'm sooooo hungry I couldn't help myself.
Although we were getting on quite well last night, Biggles and I have had some problems today. Biggles likes me in the evening when I'm quiet and relaxed but doesn't like it when I'm bouncy and want to play. I must remember I'm bigger than him and he's a lot older and doesn't want to play with me.
My poo is still a bit runny so Richard's going to take me to the vet again tomorrow. He said that I might need Aunty Bi Otics whoever she is.
I am quite tired now though so will settle down for the night and hopefully have a beter day tomorrow.
I growled and barked at Wendy when she was having her lunch so she told me off and put me in the dining room until she finished. I know I should let her eat her food but I'm sooooo hungry I couldn't help myself.
Although we were getting on quite well last night, Biggles and I have had some problems today. Biggles likes me in the evening when I'm quiet and relaxed but doesn't like it when I'm bouncy and want to play. I must remember I'm bigger than him and he's a lot older and doesn't want to play with me.
My poo is still a bit runny so Richard's going to take me to the vet again tomorrow. He said that I might need Aunty Bi Otics whoever she is.
I am quite tired now though so will settle down for the night and hopefully have a beter day tomorrow.
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Biggles and I

Richard had to go off and play drums tonight so Wendy and I had a nice night in. I had a few runs round the garden and she let me off the lead in the lounge with the cat for the first time so I really tried to be good. Biggles and I were both sleepy and tonight I finally believe we might get on one day. He was very close to me and he didn't hiss once.
Monday, 5 November 2007
A Trip to the Vets
Wendy back at work so spent the day with Richard. Had a bad night last night with the runs and kept my new family up so they took me to the vets. Very nice people at the vet weighed me and I'm 20kg. That's quite light but I am still a growing boy and I've not been well.They cut some clumpy bits of hair out from behind my ears and said I had a bit of an ear infection but nothing to worry about. They are also going to send off some of my stool to Bristol Vet School who are doing a study and will check to see if I have something called lungworm (I hope I don't). The vet has given Wendy & Richard some special food to try and settle my tummy but I'm not allowed very much of it at all. I'm starving!!! Wendy & Richard had rabbit stew for tea last night - talk about torture.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Bad tummy and more baths
Oh my poor tummy - I feel like I want to go to the toilet all the time but nothing's coming out. Feel Ok in myself though. Had a great walk today and played with something called an 'aeroboring'. Wendy & Richard throw it to each other but when they don't catch it I dive in and grab it and run. I take it back to them to play tug but they won't play. Decided it was more fun to drop it when I bring it back and have them throw it again. They seemed really pleased at that.
Had another bath in the sunshine with the warm shower through the bathroom window. This time with some nice smelling flea treatment shampoo. Had a lovely groom afterwards and you should see my coat now - I don't smell at all doggy and look really glossy. 'Because I'm worth it'. Bit of a sleep at lunchtime and then had another walk this afternoon. Weather was lovely. Saw some cows for the first time - boy are they dull. Wendy & Richard stopped for a drink at a pub and I enjoyed the sun. Lots of cars going past - I used to bark at them but you soon get used to them.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Making New Friends

Went for a walk over to the farm shop where I met some pigs, chickens and some strange waddly creatures called Geese. Didn't like them very much so growled but Wendy & Richard told me not to be so silly.
Met Wendy & Richard's niece called Emily and nephew called Jack. They were very friendly but Wendy's brother Ian didn't like me very much - he's scared of dogs as one knocked him over when he was little. Ian's wife Kristine thought I was lovely though and played with me. They had something that looked like a big man which they called 'guy' and we took him down to a field and put him on top of a big pile of sticks. Someone said they would set fire to him later - that didn't sound very nice. Emily and Jack bought me a present - it's 2 tennis balls on a stick which I can chew and carry around. I like it when they throw it for me and I can fetch it back and play tug (still not into this letting go idea).
Was very tired tonight. Lots of bangs going on - something called 'fireworks' I think but I really wasn't bothered. Wendy & Richard didn't seem to mind them. Biggles was a real 'scairdy cat' though and ran across me to hide. He still doesn't like me very much but will tolerate my presence as long as I don't get too close.
Friday, 2 November 2007
Just Richard and I
Wendy had to go to work today but she took me for a long walk before she went (it was a bit of an early start) and then gave me breakfast. Spent the day with Richard who took me out in the van down to the post office - I was a bit nervous about getting in as I thought he was going to take me somewhere and leave me but it was OK. Richard then took me for a walk and let me off the lead for the first time. I had a little run but didn't go to far from Richard. I'm still really tired from the travelling and I have an upset tummy but I think I really like my new home.Thursday, 1 November 2007
My New Home
Got up this morning feeling a bit better after a rest but still a bit out of it. My new family seem to like me to sit and not be jumpy so I have learnt to control my instincts and sit when they say the word as I want to please them. Today I met Biggles the cat. He hissed at me and I only wanted to play with him. I know we're going to have to get on if I'm going to be allowed to stay but he doesn't seem to like me.Wendy gave me one of her old slippers that's in the shape of a rabbit. I've had such fun tearing its' ears off and Wendy and Richard have been throwing it for me to 'fetch'. I'm quite good at 'fetch' and bringing back but then they want me to let go of it and I think it's much more fun to have a tug of war!!

Yuk - not sure if I like it here or not - my new family have just given me a bath - they said I smell. The water was warm and I liked the attention when they rubbed in the shampoo but I didn't like the wet very much. It didn't last long though and once they let me go I had loads of fun tearing around and shaking myself off. Towels are also good to chew. They say I smell a bit better but might need a second bath. They also think my bottom smells bad - well I can't help it - better out than in.
Went on a lovely long walk this afternoon and then had a sleep in the conservatory with my family - it was nice and warm in there. Then 'helped' Wendy do some gardening - she was trying to dig over a border with a hand fork but I thought it was quite fun to grab it and run when her back was turned. Couple of men on wheely machines which I think are called bikes went past. I didn't like them very much and think I'd like to chase them. Yawn - I'm really tired now - just had another walk and met some horses. They were big and I was a bit nervous so growled but my family stopped to stoke the horses so I realised they were OK so stopped growling. I thought the horses were a bit dull. Had some tea so am ready for bed now.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
The Incredible Journey
I left Limerick late at night on the 31st October (Halloween) for the Ferry to England. I didn't like the sea crossing very much. Once we docked in England I was put onto a transporter with lots of other dogs and then started a long journey. After about 3 hours the transporter stopped and I was unloaded. By now it was about 3.30am. A nice lady called Jemima picked me up and put me in her car. She had 2 other dogs with her but they belonged to her. It was nice that I had some company for the next bit of my journey. Jemima thought I was divine (even if I did smell a bit). After another half an hour I arrived at my new home.Even though it was really early in the morning, my new foster family were up to meet me. They seemed lovely. I was hungry and thirsty after my long journey and they gave me some food and drink and even took me for a short walk so I could go to the toilet. I was exhausted (as were they) so we went to bed at about 5.30am for a few hours sleep. I didn't sleep very well as it was all a bit new so I was quite restless. I tried to get onto the bed with my new family but they said I wasn't allowed to do that so I settled on the nice comfy vetbed on the floor instead.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Getting Ready
The latest news from England is that my new family have been getting ready for my arrival.
The names of my new family are Wendy and Richard and the cat is called Biggles and he's black and white just like me. Wendy and Richard sent me a photograph of themselves to put up in my kennel here in Limerick so I'll know what they look like. I think they look quite nice.
They have bought me a new collar and lead and some shiny new bowls for my food and water. I think they have some toys for me too. A nice lady on something called 'Freecycle' has given them a crate for me so that I can feel secure in my own space when I arrive and stay away from the cat for a bit. They have ordered some of that lovely comfortable Vetbed so it should be really nice for me to lie on.

Tuesday, 23 October 2007
A New Hope...
I heard today that there are some people over the Irish sea in England that are going to give me a second chance in life and are willing to foster me with a view to adoption.
I'm being sent over to them at the end of the month. Jemima from Black Retriever X Rescue will pick me up from Pembroke early on the 1st November and I'll get to meet my new family.
I'm very nervous as I've never been on a boat before and it's a long way from home. My new family live in the country and I'm told there are lots of great walks on their doorstep. They are near sheep which I don't have much experience of although I've been told I'm not allowed to chase them. They also have a cat and I don't know what to make of them - I hope it's not going to scratch and hiss at me.
I have had an operation recently so am recovering from that and I need to have some injections too before I can go. I guess there's nothing for me to do now but sit and wait for them to collect me.....
I'm being sent over to them at the end of the month. Jemima from Black Retriever X Rescue will pick me up from Pembroke early on the 1st November and I'll get to meet my new family.
I'm very nervous as I've never been on a boat before and it's a long way from home. My new family live in the country and I'm told there are lots of great walks on their doorstep. They are near sheep which I don't have much experience of although I've been told I'm not allowed to chase them. They also have a cat and I don't know what to make of them - I hope it's not going to scratch and hiss at me.
I have had an operation recently so am recovering from that and I need to have some injections too before I can go. I guess there's nothing for me to do now but sit and wait for them to collect me.....
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