Richard had to go off and play drums tonight so Wendy and I had a nice night in. I had a few runs round the garden and she let me off the lead in the lounge with the cat for the first time so I really tried to be good. Biggles and I were both sleepy and tonight I finally believe we might get on one day. He was very close to me and he didn't hiss once.
Monday, 5 November 2007
A Trip to the Vets
Wendy back at work so spent the day with Richard. Had a bad night last night with the runs and kept my new family up so they took me to the vets. Very nice people at the vet weighed me and I'm 20kg. That's quite light but I am still a growing boy and I've not been well.They cut some clumpy bits of hair out from behind my ears and said I had a bit of an ear infection but nothing to worry about. They are also going to send off some of my stool to Bristol Vet School who are doing a study and will check to see if I have something called lungworm (I hope I don't). The vet has given Wendy & Richard some special food to try and settle my tummy but I'm not allowed very much of it at all. I'm starving!!! Wendy & Richard had rabbit stew for tea last night - talk about torture.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Bad tummy and more baths
Oh my poor tummy - I feel like I want to go to the toilet all the time but nothing's coming out. Feel Ok in myself though. Had a great walk today and played with something called an 'aeroboring'. Wendy & Richard throw it to each other but when they don't catch it I dive in and grab it and run. I take it back to them to play tug but they won't play. Decided it was more fun to drop it when I bring it back and have them throw it again. They seemed really pleased at that.
Had another bath in the sunshine with the warm shower through the bathroom window. This time with some nice smelling flea treatment shampoo. Had a lovely groom afterwards and you should see my coat now - I don't smell at all doggy and look really glossy. 'Because I'm worth it'. Bit of a sleep at lunchtime and then had another walk this afternoon. Weather was lovely. Saw some cows for the first time - boy are they dull. Wendy & Richard stopped for a drink at a pub and I enjoyed the sun. Lots of cars going past - I used to bark at them but you soon get used to them.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Making New Friends

Went for a walk over to the farm shop where I met some pigs, chickens and some strange waddly creatures called Geese. Didn't like them very much so growled but Wendy & Richard told me not to be so silly.
Met Wendy & Richard's niece called Emily and nephew called Jack. They were very friendly but Wendy's brother Ian didn't like me very much - he's scared of dogs as one knocked him over when he was little. Ian's wife Kristine thought I was lovely though and played with me. They had something that looked like a big man which they called 'guy' and we took him down to a field and put him on top of a big pile of sticks. Someone said they would set fire to him later - that didn't sound very nice. Emily and Jack bought me a present - it's 2 tennis balls on a stick which I can chew and carry around. I like it when they throw it for me and I can fetch it back and play tug (still not into this letting go idea).
Was very tired tonight. Lots of bangs going on - something called 'fireworks' I think but I really wasn't bothered. Wendy & Richard didn't seem to mind them. Biggles was a real 'scairdy cat' though and ran across me to hide. He still doesn't like me very much but will tolerate my presence as long as I don't get too close.
Friday, 2 November 2007
Just Richard and I
Wendy had to go to work today but she took me for a long walk before she went (it was a bit of an early start) and then gave me breakfast. Spent the day with Richard who took me out in the van down to the post office - I was a bit nervous about getting in as I thought he was going to take me somewhere and leave me but it was OK. Richard then took me for a walk and let me off the lead for the first time. I had a little run but didn't go to far from Richard. I'm still really tired from the travelling and I have an upset tummy but I think I really like my new home.Thursday, 1 November 2007
My New Home
Got up this morning feeling a bit better after a rest but still a bit out of it. My new family seem to like me to sit and not be jumpy so I have learnt to control my instincts and sit when they say the word as I want to please them. Today I met Biggles the cat. He hissed at me and I only wanted to play with him. I know we're going to have to get on if I'm going to be allowed to stay but he doesn't seem to like me.Wendy gave me one of her old slippers that's in the shape of a rabbit. I've had such fun tearing its' ears off and Wendy and Richard have been throwing it for me to 'fetch'. I'm quite good at 'fetch' and bringing back but then they want me to let go of it and I think it's much more fun to have a tug of war!!

Yuk - not sure if I like it here or not - my new family have just given me a bath - they said I smell. The water was warm and I liked the attention when they rubbed in the shampoo but I didn't like the wet very much. It didn't last long though and once they let me go I had loads of fun tearing around and shaking myself off. Towels are also good to chew. They say I smell a bit better but might need a second bath. They also think my bottom smells bad - well I can't help it - better out than in.
Went on a lovely long walk this afternoon and then had a sleep in the conservatory with my family - it was nice and warm in there. Then 'helped' Wendy do some gardening - she was trying to dig over a border with a hand fork but I thought it was quite fun to grab it and run when her back was turned. Couple of men on wheely machines which I think are called bikes went past. I didn't like them very much and think I'd like to chase them. Yawn - I'm really tired now - just had another walk and met some horses. They were big and I was a bit nervous so growled but my family stopped to stoke the horses so I realised they were OK so stopped growling. I thought the horses were a bit dull. Had some tea so am ready for bed now.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
The Incredible Journey
I left Limerick late at night on the 31st October (Halloween) for the Ferry to England. I didn't like the sea crossing very much. Once we docked in England I was put onto a transporter with lots of other dogs and then started a long journey. After about 3 hours the transporter stopped and I was unloaded. By now it was about 3.30am. A nice lady called Jemima picked me up and put me in her car. She had 2 other dogs with her but they belonged to her. It was nice that I had some company for the next bit of my journey. Jemima thought I was divine (even if I did smell a bit). After another half an hour I arrived at my new home.Even though it was really early in the morning, my new foster family were up to meet me. They seemed lovely. I was hungry and thirsty after my long journey and they gave me some food and drink and even took me for a short walk so I could go to the toilet. I was exhausted (as were they) so we went to bed at about 5.30am for a few hours sleep. I didn't sleep very well as it was all a bit new so I was quite restless. I tried to get onto the bed with my new family but they said I wasn't allowed to do that so I settled on the nice comfy vetbed on the floor instead.
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