I didn't really fancy going out too much. I wanted a lie in on Saturday morning but Biggles woke us all up wanting food so Wendy got up and gave us both breakfast.
Wendy & Richard had a wedding to go to on Saturday night so left me on my own but they left me with a nice bone which kept me very happy.
Sunday was a horrible day - really wet and cold.
In the afternoon Wendy, Richard and I went for a walk down the lane towards Swineford in the rain. It's a bit sheltered there so once I got used to the wet I had quite a lot of fun running up and down the banks and sniffing for rabbits. I have a new game where I hide from Wendy & Richard but try and sneakily get ahead of them so that I can come running at them full tilt.

Had a few games of football in the kitchen with Richard although I still tend to pick up the ball and run with it which is apparently not allowed.
It was much darker this morning so didn't go out as early as normal and so had a shorter walk with Wendy. Chased a pheasant and a deer though so that was fun. Spent some time with Richard in the garden this morning (he was working) but I got bored and upset him by jumping the 5 foot wall and going to visit Eleanor next door. She was very nice to me but Richard didn't find it funny so says he's going to put some trellis on top the wall to stop me. Had a nice walk this afternoon though and a treat of some roast lamb leftovers put into my kong.
Tired now so will have a sleep after writing this. Adoption papers in the post tomorrow - hurray!!!
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